Where’s my fat?

Posted: July 2, 2011 in Uncategorized

Never before have I had to worry about that statement. Until now…. Last night we had our meal and then I realized we forgot to add the fat. Very interesting to hear myself talk sometimes as i build meals, I am sure. Ryan asked us today if we HAD to do this. “No, just trying it.” Jake said. 🙂  I have never bought so many veggies…and eaten them before they have gone bad!  It is amazing!
We made it the whole week with no cheat meals yet… hoping we can stick to it through the holiday.
I will keep you updated.
How is everyone doing? Any one have a favorite meal they can share? I need new recipe.

  1. Trish says:

    I was just thinking the same thing. I just had my first bit of cheese, but didn’t see it on the list do you know how many ounces per block? Thanks!

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